CAUTION-Investigational Device. Limited by Federal or U.S. law to investigational use
CAUTION-Investigational Device. Limited by Federal or U.S. law to investigational use
Dr. Kenneth M. Peters is chief of the Department of Urology at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak and medical director of the Beaumont Women’s Urology and Pelvic Health Center, a unique multidisciplinary center dedicated to women with chronic pelvic pain and voiding dysfunction. Dr. Peters is also Professor and Chair of Urology at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in Rochester, Michigan. He graduated with honors from the University of Michigan and earned his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.
Dr. Peters is an active clinician, educator, and researcher who specializes in the treatment of voiding dysfunction and female urology. Widely recognized as a leader in research, Dr. Peters is internationally known for his work on interstitial cystitis, neuromodulation for voiding dysfunction, nerve rerouting surgery to restore voiding in spina bifida patients, and adult human stem cell injection for stress urinary incontinence.
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